Energy Transfer needs to get into the chemicals business
The future is export As stated in my prior article , I am bullish on Energy Transfer ( ET ). As part of expanding its export business, I believe moving into the chemicals business is key. I hesitate to say petrochemicals business since the feedstock will largely be natural gas based. I also know that at this moment there are readers, those who want to see a laser focus on paying down debt, that are screaming “ no ”. They are the contingent of ET shareholders that don’t want to see ET make any significant expansion and investment. I think they are wrong. I believe an expansion of the export business can drive growth to ET’s bottom line. ET is already onboard. As Tom Long said on the last conference call, “We believe that our cracker will be a very unique, world-class facility, providing unparalleled access to the lowest-cost feedstock through our pipeline systems” We have seen with the war in Ukraine and the resultant energy shortage around the world, especially i...